Our Projects
Elephant dung PAPER, Maximus

SRI lanka
In the Summer of 2009 , the 30 years war between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan Government came to a dramatic and tragic end. However, this heralded the start of a different kind of war : a war between elephants and humans over food and over land. In the Northern part of the island, no development had been possible, tourism had been limited and free movement through the island had been impossible.
Then from 2010 onward, a boom in tourism came and as a consequence, an unwanted boom in human/elephant conflict. Since those days, it is estimated that 3 elephants and 1 human die every week, in fighting over food. For an island with only 2000 elephants remaining in the wild, this is a worrying figure. The main raison d’être for Maximus is to reduce this conflict by helping people to make a living from elephant dung, and so, making them think more positively about elephants. They are no longer giant pests , but instead raw material suppliers. For this reason, we commend our elephant dung products to you. By purchasing these, you bring good employment to the Sri Lankan Jungle and help to alleviate this conflict.
…..and you get a very nice, handmade, Fair Trade, eco friendly product!
Recycled cotton paper, Auroville Papers

Our project with Auroville Papers continues our themes of handmade, recycled, eco friendly and Fair Trade.
So often working conditions are poor in India. But our project gives the local Tamil people, women in particular, better paid jobs , with all the security we expect in Europe.
Luisa Meneghetti started this project 30 years ago and continues to develop ever new products made from recycled cotton paper. Her creativity has given us many beautiful paper products.
The cotton is sourced from the side cuts from the fabric industry. We have Fair Trade certified the factory and every product is 100% handmade.
By buying these products , you help us to help Luisa continue to give good lives to the people living in the area of Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India.
Rhino dung PAPER, El Rhino

There is a country corridor, running from Assam in the East to Nepal in the West , more than 1000km, where the one horned Rhino still survives in the wild. But its population is now down to around 2000.
This project of ElRhino attempts to bring attention to this situation, but also to give Fair employment to the tribal people that still live in the area of Assam.
Rhino dung is different from elephant dung, in that rhinos eat short fibred plants. This means that to hold the paper together, it has to be mixed with elephant dung and recycled cotton.
This mixture creates a really smooth , strong paper and our notebooks are thus much appreciated.
ElRhino also work with local villagers, helping them to dig wells for example and with the Pobitura Rhino Sanctuary , putting back into the community much needed resources.
Elephants are a much admired species, but also the Rhino needs help and support to continue to exist in the wild.
The whole message of ElRhino is focused on this – let’s keep Rhinos wild.

Handwoven cotton, Selyn
Sri lanka
Because of rural poverty, many women go to work in the Middle East , leaving their families behind and only returning several years later. The impact this has on their families and on themselves is a cause for grave concern in Sri Lanka.
To try to counter this, Sandra Wadurangala started a Company that places handlooms in women’s houses and contract to buy the bales of fabric created.
This enables rural Sri Lankan women to work when they have free time and to generate income for their family.
Now Sandra and her daughter Selyna push forward the Company even further , as they focus on sustainability , natural dyes and organic cotton. Do your bit for the fight against modern slavery and purchase a handwoven Selyn product.
Incense, Maroma
A Guaranteed World Fair Trade Organisation who is also dedicated to sustainable and natural products.
Incense is a product that is notorious for low quality ingredients and very low wages.
But with Maroma offering 100% natural products and excellent working conditions , we are very happy to offer you their beautiful incense.
We hope to introduce more of their fine production in the coming months.